To enable CHATTERgo to provide product advice to users, it is necessary to connect your eCommerce store and synchronize the product catalog with CHATTERgo. Currently, CHATTERgo supports integration with Shopify and Magento platforms.
To connect with Adobe Commerce / Magento, please follow these simple steps:
- Navigate to the "Channel" section and choose "Magento".
- You'll be asked to input necessary details:
URL: Enter your website's URL.
Site Code: Each Magento website has a unique code. You can find this in your Magento backend, under 'Store->All Stores'. Look for the 'Code' in the 'Web Site' column.
Attribute Codes: If you wish to synchronize any custom attributes with CHATTERgo, enter each attribute code line by line. You can skip this step if this is not needed.
Language: Input at least one store view code under 'Store->All Stores'. You can retrieve the name and code from the 'Store View' column.
Access Token, Access Token Secret, Consumer Key and Consumer Secret: Your Magento store needs to grant permission to CHATTERgo to obtain necessary rights (to read product data). Under Systems->Integration, you will need to "Add New Integration", then input the Name: "CHATTERgo", Callback URL: "", Identity Link URL: "" and your password. At the API tab, select Resource Access rights under "Catalog". Once saved, you must choose 'Activate', which will prompt you to login to CHATTERgo and confirm the authorization. Following that, you can view and obtain the keys from the integration. - Add Store Code to URL: If your website has included the store code in URL, select this option.
- Add .html to URL: If your website product pages have .html at the URL, select this option.
- Retrieve Custom Attributes Labels: If you added Attribute Codes above and some of the attributes are option data type, select this option.
Please note the following requirements for CHATTERgo to connect with your store:
- Both Rest API and GraphQL needs to be enabled
- CHATTERgo's integration with Magento leverages Oauth-based authentication (here). Before Magento 2.4.6, Magneto allowed token-based authentication (here). If your Magento site allows never-expiring bearer access token, you may simply input Access Token without Access Token Secret, Consumer Key and Consumer Secret.
- CHATTERgo will need to be able to call your APIs from our own system. For issues involving any backend or network restrictions on your site that may hinder this integration process, please reach out to us.